Name   Dista. Opt. Underlying Maturity Bid Ask Strike price Knock-out Lev. Perf. 1Y  
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   52.87% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.470 5.510 513.72 513.72 Yes +25.06%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   39.16% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 663.18 663.18 Yes +28.21%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   29.01% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 773.76 773.76 Yes +36.56%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   55.14% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 489.01 489.01 Yes +20.21%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   42.58% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 625.91 625.91 Yes +26.65%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   39.16% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.120 4.160 663.18 663.18 Yes +27.02%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   29.01% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.130 3.170 773.76 773.76 Yes +36.12%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   55.14% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.690 5.730 489.01 489.01 Yes +23.85%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   42.58% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.460 4.500 625.91 625.91 Yes +29.62%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   45.42% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 577.62 594.91 Yes +23.27%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   44.86% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 600.99 600.99 Yes +23.73%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   36.23% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 674.85 695.04 Yes +29.51%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   27.02% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 712.87 712.87 Yes +29.64%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   45.42% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.860 4.900 577.62 594.91 Yes +27.78%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   44.86% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.680 4.720 600.99 600.99 Yes +28.45%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   36.23% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.990 4.030 674.85 695.04 Yes +33.90%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   27.02% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.680 3.720 712.87 712.87 Yes +35.96%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   51.02% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 518.39 533.90 Yes +21.27%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   52.45% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 450.95 464.45 Yes +20.12%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   31.24% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 749.53 749.53 Yes +32.53%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   24.52% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 737.23 737.23 Yes +31.92%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   51.02% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.400 5.440 518.39 533.90 Yes +25.23%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   52.45% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 6.000 6.040 450.95 464.45 Yes +20.12%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out O'Reilly Automotive Inc.[New]   31.24% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.330 3.370 749.53 749.53 Yes +32.13%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out O'Reilly Automotive Inc.[New]   24.52% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.460 3.500 737.23 737.23 Yes +32.56%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   27.89% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 785.98 785.98 Yes +37.16%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   23.88% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 721.90 743.50 Yes +31.72%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   33.97% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 698.85 719.77 Yes +29.86%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   33.48% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 725.05 725.05 Yes +31.23%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out ORLY   27.89% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.020 3.060 785.98 785.98 Yes +36.70%
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