2024. 09. 20.  17:35:08 Vált. -0,630 Forgalom (db) Vétel17:40:00 Eladás17:40:00 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
13,745EUR -4,38% 778 204
Forgalom: 10,74 mill.
13,710Vétel (db): 49 14,000Eladás (db): 2 3,15 mrd.EUR - 6,33


Vallourec S.A. is one of the world leaders in premium tubular solutions primarily serving the energy markets (oil and gas, powergen). Its expertise also extends to the Industry sector (mechanicals, automobile, construction etc.). With advanced R& D, production units and finishing lines worldwide, Vallourec has integrated sites in more than 20 countries. Vallourec offers its customers a large portfolio of diversified, innovative and high value-added tubular products. For the oil and gas industry, the Group designs and develops a comprehensive range of products including seamless tubes and premium connections for drilling operations, line pipes and well equipment capable of withstanding extreme operating conditions: high pressure, high temperature, deviated wells, deep offshore and corrosive environments. For the powergen market, Vallourec offers a premium range of tubes capable of withstanding the most severe temperature and pressure conditions. Its solutions enable power companies to meet the challenges of energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in power plants, whether conventional or nuclear. The Group also offers a wide range of tubes for petrochemical installations (refineries), for mechanical engineering applications (hydraulic cylinders, machine tools, etc.), for the automotive industry, for construction (stadiums, other complex buildings and structures) and for various other industrial sectors.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Philippe Guillemot
Sascha Bibert, Philippe Carlier, Pierre d'Archemont, Sarah Dib, Laurent Dubedout, Valeria Fernandes, Bertrand Frischmann, Jacky Massaglia, Ludovic Oster, Enrico Schiappacasse, Ulrika Wising
Philippe Guillemot, Pierre Vareille, Corine de Bilbao, Angela Minas, Hera Siu, Gareth Turner, Patrick Poulin, Austin Anton


Név: Vallourec S.A.
Cím: 12, rue de la Verrerie,92190 Meudon (France) 552 142 200 RCS Nanterre
Telefon: +33-1-4909-3500
Fax: +33-1-4909-3694
E-mail: investor.relations@v...rec.com investor.relations@vallourec.com
Internet: www.vallourec.fr/uk
Ipar: Energia és közművek
Szektor: Olaj és gáz
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: -
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Jérôme Friboulet
IR telefon: +33-1-4909-3976
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: investor.relations@v...urec.fr investor.relations@vallourec.fr

Fő részvényesek
