UBS (Lux) Key Selection SICAV - Dynamic Alpha (USD), Anteilsklasse (EUR hedged) P-acc, EUR/  LU0849401350  /

NAV17.09.2024 Zm.-0,1800 Typ dystrybucji dochodów Kategoria Firma inwestycyjna
99,9100EUR -0,18% z reinwestycją Inwestycje alternatywne Światowy UBS Fund M. (LU) 

Strategia inwestycyjna

The actively managed investment fund invests globally in bonds and equities, with a variable ratio and no investment restrictions. In addition, up to 25% of the net assets may be invested in the commodities asset class. Due to its flexibility, which includes taking short positions, the fund can benefit from both rising and falling markets. The fund manager combines carefully selected stocks from different countries, sectors and companies with the aim of exploiting interesting return opportunities while keeping risks under control. The investments and performance of the investment fund may deviate from the benchmark. In times of high market volatility, the sub-fund's performance may therefore deviate significantly from the benchmark. The sub-fund is actively managed relative to the benchmark FTSE USD 3 Month Eurodeposit +4.5%. The benchmark is used for performance comparison. Sustainability risks are not systematically integrated due to the investment strategy and the nature of the underlying investments. The return of the fund depends primarily on the development of capital markets. To varying degrees, it will be a function of the following components: equity market development and dividend payments, development of interest rates, creditworthiness of the entities issuing the invested instruments and interest income. The return may also be affected by currency fluctuations, where active or unhedged positions exist. The income from this share class is reinvested (reinvestment).

Cel inwestycyjny

The actively managed investment fund invests globally in bonds and equities, with a variable ratio and no investment restrictions. In addition, up to 25% of the net assets may be invested in the commodities asset class. Due to its flexibility, which includes taking short positions, the fund can benefit from both rising and falling markets.

Dane podstawowe

Typ dystrybucji dochodów: z reinwestycją
Kategoria funduszy: Inwestycje alternatywne
Region: Światowy
Branża: Pojedyncza strategia hedgingowa
Benchmark: FTSE USD 3M Eurodeposits + 4.50% p.a.
Początek roku obrachunkowego: 01.10
Last Distribution: -
Bank depozytariusz: UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch
Kraj pochodzenia funduszu: Luxemburg
Zezwolenie na dystrybucję: Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria, Wielka Brytania, Luxemburg, Czechy
Zarządzający funduszem: Benjamin Suess, Thomas Markus Oesch, Conor Hamilton
Aktywa: 61,58 mln  USD
Data startu: 26.11.2012
Koncentracja inwestycyjna: -


Opłata za nabycie: 4,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 1,58%
Minimalna inwestycja: - EUR
Opłaty depozytowe: -
Opłata za odkupienie: 0,00%
Uproszczony prospekt: Ściągnij (Wersja do wydruku)

Firma inwestycyjna

TFI: UBS Fund M. (LU)
Adres: 33A avenue J.F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxembourg
Kraj: Luxemburg






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