2024. 09. 12.  13:35:52 Vált. - Forgalom (db) Vétel12:30:00 Eladás12:30:00 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
170,00EUR - 12
Forgalom: 2 040
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 51 mill.EUR 12,35% 11,14


Founded in 1838, the company has been quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1872. In 1978 the "Kleinmuenchner Baumwoll-Spinnerei und mechanische Weberei" was re-named Linz Textil AG. In line with a strategy aimed at expansion and diversification, in 1987 Linz Textil AG adopted a completely new orientation. In view of industrial and organisational considerations, the operative textile unit was disincorporated to form Linz Textil GmbH, which, today, is the group's biggest operative unit. Subsequently, Linz Textil AG was re-named "Linz Textil Holding AG", in order to undertake holding functions. While the holding company focuses on management, organisation and financing activities, the operative company is primarily involved in the production of yarns, especially viscose, cotton and blended yarns, and a broad range of grey cloth for outerwear and technical applications.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Friedrich Schopf
Eveline Jungwirth
Friedrich Weninger, Barbara Lehner, Dr. Günther Grassner, Dr. Michael Schneditz-Bolfras, Johanna Katharina Jetschgo


Név: Linz Textil Holding Aktiengesellschaft
Cím: Wiener Straße 435,A-4030 Linz
Telefon: +43-732-3996-0
Fax: +43-732-3996-74
E-mail: holding@linz-textil.at
Internet: www.linz-textil.at
Ipar: Fogyasztói termékek
Szektor: Textil és ruházat
Alszektor: Ruházat / Szövet
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 23,20%
IPO dátum: 1901. 12. 13.

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