NAV20/09/2024 Var.-0.0239 Type of yield Focus sugli investimenti Società d'investimento
27.3107USD -0.09% reinvestment Bonds Worldwide Jupiter AM (EU) 

Investment strategy

A total return comprised of income and capital growth consistent with capital preservation and prudent investment management. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the Fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (USD Hedged) over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund may invest at least two-thirds of its assets in bonds and similar debt investments issued by companies, governments and other public entities anywhere in the world. The Fund will invest at least 80% in investments listed, traded or dealt in on a Regulated Market in the OECD. The Fund may invest up to 15% in the Chinese Bond Market via the Bond Connect scheme. The Fund will typically use techniques to try to reduce the effects of changes in the exchange rate between the Fund base currency US dollars, and other currencies (i.e. hedging) by limiting exposure to currencies other than USD to no more than one third. The Fund will not invest more than 20% in fixed income securities rated lower than BBB- by Standard and Poor's or lower than Baa3 by Moody's but rated at least B- by Standard and Poor's or B3 by Moody's at the time of purchase. The Fund will not invest more than 30% in investments with loss-absorbing features out of which no more than 10% may be invested in contingent convertible bonds (CoCos). The Fund may not invest more than 10% in securities from any single country with a credit rating below investment grade or with no credit rating. The Fund will focus on fixed income securities which are believed to be undervalued. The Fund uses derivatives (i.e. financial contracts whose value is linked to the expected price movements of an underlying investment), with the aim of generating returns and/or reducing the overall costs and risks of the Fund. The Fund is actively managed.

Investment goal

A total return comprised of income and capital growth consistent with capital preservation and prudent investment management. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, the Fund will aim to deliver a return, net of fees, greater than that of the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (USD Hedged) over rolling 3 year periods. The Fund may invest at least two-thirds of its assets in bonds and similar debt investments issued by companies, governments and other public entities anywhere in the world. The Fund will invest at least 80% in investments listed, traded or dealt in on a Regulated Market in the OECD. The Fund may invest up to 15% in the Chinese Bond Market via the Bond Connect scheme.

Dati master

Type of yield: reinvestment
Fondi Categoria: Bonds
Region: Worldwide
Settore: Bonds: Mixed
Benchmark: Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (USD Hedged).
Business year start: 01/01
Ultima distribuzione: -
Banca depositaria: Citi Depositary Services Ireland D.A.C.
Domicilio del fondo: Ireland
Permesso di distribuzione: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic
Gestore del fondo: Ariel Bezalel, Harry Richards
Volume del fondo: 318.98 mill.  USD
Data di lancio: 17/04/2002
Investment focus: -


Sovrapprezzo emissione: 5.00%
Tassa amministrativa massima: 1.00%
Investimento minimo: 500.00 USD
Deposit fees: -
Redemption charge: 0.00%
Prospetto semplificato: Download (Print version)

Società d'investimento

Funds company: Jupiter AM (EU)
Indirizzo: The Wilde 53 Merrion Square-South, D02 PR63, Dublin
Paese: Ireland




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