iShares US Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Dist)/  IE00B1FZSF77  /

NAV19.09.2024 Zm.-0,0149 Typ dystrybucji dochodów Kategoria Firma inwestycyjna
32,0531USD -0,05% płacące dywidendę Nieruchomości ETF Nieruchomości BlackRock AM (IE) 

Strategia inwestycyjna

The Share Class is a share class of a Fund which aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund's assets, which reflects the return of the FTSE EPRA/Nareit United States Dividend + Index, the Fund's benchmark index (Index). The Share Class, via the Fund is passively managed and aims to invest so far as possible and practicable in the equity securities (e.g. shares of listed real estate companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)) that make up the Index. REITs are closed-ended investment vehicles that invest in, manage and own, real estate. The Index measures the performance of REITs and real estate holding and development companies in the United States which are constituents of the FTSE EPRA/ Nareit United States Index and pay an above average or a high level of income as a dividend. The Index offers exposure to listed US real estate companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and captures those equity securities which have a forecasted yield of equal to, or greater than, 2%. Companies are included in the Index based on the proportion of their shares in issue that are available for purchase by international investors.

Cel inwestycyjny

The Share Class is a share class of a Fund which aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund's assets, which reflects the return of the FTSE EPRA/Nareit United States Dividend + Index, the Fund's benchmark index (Index). The Share Class, via the Fund is passively managed and aims to invest so far as possible and practicable in the equity securities (e.g. shares of listed real estate companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)) that make up the Index. REITs are closed-ended investment vehicles that invest in, manage and own, real estate.

Dane podstawowe

Typ dystrybucji dochodów: płacące dywidendę
Kategoria funduszy: Nieruchomości
Kraj: USA
Branża: ETF Nieruchomości
Benchmark: FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States Dividend+ Index
Początek roku obrachunkowego: 01.11
Last Distribution: 16.08.2024
Bank depozytariusz: State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited
Kraj pochodzenia funduszu: Irlandia
Zezwolenie na dystrybucję: Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria, Wielka Brytania, Czechy
Zarządzający funduszem: BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
Aktywa: 679,36 mln  USD
Data startu: 03.11.2006
Koncentracja inwestycyjna: -


Opłata za nabycie: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,00%
Minimalna inwestycja: 1,00 USD
Opłaty depozytowe: -
Opłata za odkupienie: 0,00%
Uproszczony prospekt: Ściągnij (Wersja do wydruku)

Firma inwestycyjna

TFI: BlackRock AM (IE)
Adres: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, EC2N 2DL, London
Kraj: Wielka Brytania





