Name   Dista. Opt. Underlying Maturity Bid Ask Strike price Knock-out Lev. Perf. 1Y  
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   24.12% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 137.90 142.36 Yes +40.98%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   29.61% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 127.93 132.06 Yes +38.75%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   36.73% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 118.69 118.69 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   36.27% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 115.81 119.55 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   40.19% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 108.70 112.21 Yes +32.05%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   44.42% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 101.00 104.26 Yes +28.43%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -21.57% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 228.06 228.06 Yes -49.47%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   8.61% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 171.44 171.44 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   48.61% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 93.38 96.40 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -26.67% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 237.64 237.64 Yes -39.34%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -21.57% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 4.000 4.070 228.06 228.06 Yes -39.49%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -31.72% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 247.11 247.11 Yes -35.02%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   7.09% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 174.30 174.30 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -26.67% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 4.960 5.030 237.64 237.64 Yes -34.48%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -38.19% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 267.33 259.24 Yes -28.84%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -31.72% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 5.900 5.970 247.11 247.11 Yes -30.75%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   7.09% Call CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 1.510 1.580 174.30 174.30 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -36.78% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 256.59 256.59 Yes -31.78%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -38.19% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 7.860 7.930 267.33 259.24 Yes -25.31%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -84.77% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 346.62 346.62 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -28.17% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 247.95 240.45 Yes -38.55%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -36.78% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 6.850 6.920 256.59 256.59 Yes -27.67%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -25.51% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 235.45 235.45 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -84.77% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 15.850 15.920 346.62 346.62 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -28.17% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless 5.920 5.990 247.95 240.45 Yes -30.88%
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -30.47% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 244.77 244.77 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -46.74% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 275.29 275.29 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -44.61% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 279.74 271.28 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -34.31% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 259.82 251.96 Yes -
Soc. Generale Knock-Out CGM   -54.90% Put CAPGEMINI SE IN... Endless - - 299.67 290.60 Yes -
* Too many results found, please restrict the search by using the filter options.