iShares Conservative Portfolio UCITS ETF USD Hedged (Acc)/  IE00BLB2GQ94  /

NAV19.09.2024 Zm.+0,0124 Typ dystrybucji dochodów Kategoria Firma inwestycyjna
5,2995USD +0,23% z reinwestycją Fundusz mieszany Światowy BlackRock AM (IE) 

Strategia inwestycyjna

The Fund is actively managed without reference to a benchmark meaning the investment manager (IM) has absolute discretion to select the Fund's investments and is not constrained by any target, comparator or performance benchmark. The Fund aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund's investments, whilst maintaining a conservative risk profile (i.e. an evaluation of the risks associated with the portfolio) of 2-5%, in a manner consistent with the Fund's environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG Criteria). The risk profile of the Fund's portfolio, for this purpose, is the degree of fluctuation of the Fund's returns converted into an annual rate, over a five-year period. The Fund will obtain indirect exposure to a variety of asset classes globally and will predominantly invest in other funds and investment products. At least 80% of the Fund's assets will, at the time of purchase, be invested in funds tracking indices that meet certain ESG criteria as disclosed in the prospectus. The Fund will use quantitative (i.e. mathematical or statistical) models in order to inform its approach to stock selection. At least 90% of the portion of the Fund invested in assets other than "neutral assets", as defined in the prospectus, shall be invested in UCITS exchange traded funds that qualify as "category 1 funds" for the purposes of the AMF ESG Rules.

Cel inwestycyjny

The Fund is actively managed without reference to a benchmark meaning the investment manager (IM) has absolute discretion to select the Fund's investments and is not constrained by any target, comparator or performance benchmark.

Dane podstawowe

Typ dystrybucji dochodów: z reinwestycją
Kategoria funduszy: Fundusz mieszany
Region: Światowy
Branża: ETF Fundusze mieszane
Benchmark: -
Początek roku obrachunkowego: 01.07
Last Distribution: -
Bank depozytariusz: State Street Custodial Services (IE) Ltd
Kraj pochodzenia funduszu: Irlandia
Zezwolenie na dystrybucję: Austria, Niemcy, Czechy
Zarządzający funduszem: Rafael Iborra, Claire Gallagher
Aktywa: 16,3 mln  EUR
Data startu: 29.03.2022
Koncentracja inwestycyjna: -


Opłata za nabycie: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,00%
Minimalna inwestycja: 1,00 USD
Opłaty depozytowe: -
Opłata za odkupienie: 0,00%
Uproszczony prospekt: Ściągnij (Wersja do wydruku)

Firma inwestycyjna

TFI: BlackRock AM (IE)
Adres: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, EC2N 2DL, London
Kraj: Wielka Brytania


Fundusze inwestycyjne

