06.11.2023  21:59:59 Zm. - Wolumen Bid- Ask- Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
27,03USD - 14 532
Obrót: 393 003,13
-Wolumen Bid: - -Wolumen Ask: - 1,19 mldUSD - 21,81

Opis działalności

Through Avid Everywhere™, Avid delivers the industry's most open, innovative and comprehensive media platform connecting content creation with collaboration, asset protection, distribution and consumption for the most listened to, most watched and most loved media in the world—from the most prestigious and award-winning feature films, music recordings, and television shows, to live concerts and news broadcasts. Industry leading solutions include Pro Tools®, Media Composer®, ISIS®, Interplay®, and Sibelius®.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Jeff Rosica
Kenneth Gayron, Alessandra Melloni, Alex Sukennik, Dana Ruzicka, Dave Perillo, Diana Brunelle, Kathy-Anne McManus, Kevin Riley, Lior Netzer, Tim Claman, Tom J. A. Cordiner
Rada nadzorcza
Peter Westley, Christian Asmar, Daniel B Silvers, Dr. Elizabeth M. Daley, Jeff Rosica, John P. Wallace, Michelle Munson, Nancy Hawthorne, Paula E. Boggs, Robert M. Bakish

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Avid Technology Inc.
Adres: 75 Network Drive,Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, USA
Telefon: +1-978-640-6789
Fax: +1-978-640-3116
E-mail: -
Internet: www.avid.com/
Przemysł: Technologia
Sektor: Inne branże technologiczne
Podsektor: -
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 73,70%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Whit Rappole
Telefon: +1-978-275-2032
Fax: -
E-mail: IR@avid.com

Główni akcjonariusze

Impactive Capital LP
The Vanguard Group
BlackRock Inc.