NAV18.09.2024 Diff.-0,2900 Ertragstyp Ausrichtung Fondsgesellschaft
100,2100EUR -0,29% thesaurierend Aktien weltweit FundPartner Sol.(EU) 


The objective of the Sub-Fund is to allow investors with a long term investment horizon to benefit from a diversified portfolio with reference currency EUR that follows a high growth investment strategy. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund has no benchmark index and is not managed in reference to a benchmark index. The Sub-Fund intends to mainly invest in equities and equity related securities (such as ADR, GDR, REITs). The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% in UCIs; the Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% in REITs; the Sub-Fund will not invest more than and 20% in contingent convertible bonds. Investments in convertible debt securities other than contingent convertible bonds will be limited to 20%; total exposure to alternative strategies (commodity, precious metals or UCITS eligible alternative strategy funds), in which the Sub-Fund will only invest indirectly, will not exceed 15%; investments in Chinese companies will be made through ADRs, GDRs or Hong Kong listed Chinese companies (i.e. China H-shares) and via China A-shares. In order to invest in China A-shares, the Sub-Fund may use the Shanghai, Hong Kong Stock Connect and/or the Shenzhen, Hong Kong Stock Connect (up to 10%). On an ancillary basis, the Sub-Fund may invest in any other type of eligible assets, such as debt securities (including unrated debt securities and distressed securities, each up to 10%), transferable securities other than those mentioned above, money market instruments, in UCIs other than those above-mentioned, and cash.


The objective of the Sub-Fund is to allow investors with a long term investment horizon to benefit from a diversified portfolio with reference currency EUR that follows a high growth investment strategy. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund has no benchmark index and is not managed in reference to a benchmark index. The Sub-Fund intends to mainly invest in equities and equity related securities (such as ADR, GDR, REITs).


Ertragstyp: thesaurierend
Fondskategorie: Aktien
Region: weltweit
Branche: Branchenmix
Benchmark: -
Geschäftsjahresbeginn: 01.01
Letzte Ausschüttung: -
Depotbank: Pictet & Cie (Europe) S.A.
Ursprungsland: Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassung: Tschechien
Fondsmanager: Arfina Capital SA
Fondsvolumen: 17,69 Mio.  EUR
Auflagedatum: 11.05.2021
Investmentfokus: -


Ausgabeaufschlag: 0,00%
Max. Verwaltungsgebühr: 0,30%
Mindestveranlagung: 10.000.000,00 EUR
Weitere Gebühren: 0,10%
Tilgungsgebühr: 0,00%
Wesentliche Anlegerinformation: Download (Druckversion)


KAG: FundPartner Sol.(EU)
Adresse: 15A, avenue J. F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxemburg
Land: Luxemburg






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