9/18/2024  4:27:19 PM Chg. 0.00 Volume Bid4:28:02 PM Ask4:28:02 PM Market Capitalization Dividend Y. P/E Ratio
3.88PLN -0.05% 125,912
Turnover: 487,425.71
3.88Bid Size: 849 3.89Ask Size: 2,600 584.55 mill.PLN - 12.97

Business description

Lubawa produces and sells textiles and clothing used in advertising, automotive, medical, military and other uniformed services. They are experts in production of ballistic shields, bulletproof vests, tents and specialized coated fabrics. The products meet expectations in any terrain, regardless of geographical location and weather conditions.

Management board & Supervisory board

Management board
Przemysław Zasztoft, Jacek Wilczewski
Supervisory board
Andrzej Tadeusz Kowalski, Pawel Kois, Mieczyslaw Cieniuch, Lukasz Litwin, Pawel Litwin

Company data

Address: st. Staroprzygodzka 117,63-400 Ostrow Wielkopolski
Phone: +48 62 737 5777
Fax: +48 62 737 5708
E-mail: info@lubawa.com.pl
Internet: https://lubawa.com.pl/pl/
Industry: Consumer Goods
Sector: Textiles and Apparel
Sub sector: -
End of financial year: 12/31
Free Float: 48.80%
IPO date: 11/18/1996

Investor relations

Name: -
IR phone: -
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: https://lubawagroup....torskie https://lubawagroup.com/pl/relacje-inwestorskie

Company calendar

CW 39 | 9/26/2024 Interim Report 2nd Quarter/6 Months
CW 48 | 11/28/2024 Interim Report 3rd Quarter/9 Months

Main Shareholders

Silver Hexarion