BlackRock ICS St.Gov.Liq.Fd.Core D./  IE00B40G6S53  /

NAV26/09/2024 Chg.+0.0145 Type of yield Investment Focus Investment company
109.6366GBP +0.01% paying dividend Money Market Money Market Securities BlackRock AM (IE) 

Investment strategy

The Fund aims to generate a moderate level of income on your investment consistent with maintaining capital and ensuring that its underlying assets can easily be bought or sold in the market (in normal market conditions). Money invested in the Fund is not protected or guaranteed. The Fund invests in a broad range of fixed income securities (such as bonds) and money market instruments (MMIs) (i.e. debt securities with short term maturities). It may also invest in deposits with credit institutions (e.g. banks). The Fund is actively managed. The investment manager has discretion to select the Fund"s investments. The Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (SONIA) should be used by investors to compare the performance of the Fund. The Fund is a "Short Term Public Debt Constant Net Asset Value Money Market Fund" as defined by the EU Money Market Funds Regulations. Details of the current credit ratings (if any) attributed to the Fund are available from At least 99.5% of the Fund"s assets will be securities, instruments or obligations issued or guaranteed by the UK government or another sovereign government and reverse repurchase agreements referencing such assets. These assets shall always be denominated in Sterling. They will be high quality (according to the Investment Manager"s assessment of credit worthiness) at the time of purchase. The Fund will limit its investment to assets which have 397 days or less remaining until the full principal must be repaid. The weighted average maturity (i.e. the average length of time to the date when the principal of the asset is to be repaid in full (or, in respect of interest rate notes, the average length of time to the next interest rate reset to a money market rate) of all of the Fund"s assets will be up to 60 days. The weighted average life (i.e. the average length of time to the date when the principal of the assets is to be repaid in full) of all of the Fund"s assets will be up to 120 days. To calculate these averages, figures are adjusted to reflect the relative holdings of each of the Fund"s assets.

Investment goal

The Fund aims to generate a moderate level of income on your investment consistent with maintaining capital and ensuring that its underlying assets can easily be bought or sold in the market (in normal market conditions). Money invested in the Fund is not protected or guaranteed. The Fund invests in a broad range of fixed income securities (such as bonds) and money market instruments (MMIs) (i.e. debt securities with short term maturities). It may also invest in deposits with credit institutions (e.g. banks). The Fund is actively managed. The investment manager has discretion to select the Fund"s investments. The Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (SONIA) should be used by investors to compare the performance of the Fund.

Master data

Type of yield: paying dividend
Funds Category: Money Market
Country: United Kingdom
Branch: Money Market Securities
Benchmark: Sterling Overnight Index Average Rate (SONIA)
Business year start: 01/10
Last Distribution: -
Depository bank: J.P. Morgan SE - Niederlassung Dublin
Fund domicile: Ireland
Distribution permission: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Fund manager: Matt Clay, Paul Hauff
Fund volume: -
Launch date: 24/09/2010
Investment focus: -


Issue surcharge: 0.00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0.20%
Minimum investment: 1,000,000.00 GBP
Deposit fees: -
Redemption charge: 0.00%
Key Investor Information: Download (Print version)

Investment company

Funds company: BlackRock AM (IE)
Address: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, EC2N 2DL, London
Country: United Kingdom


Money Market


United Kingdom